Keeping Your Trees Green with a Finest Tree Service
The trees on your property increase your home's value and are good for the ecosystem.
It is in your best interest to keep your trees well-maintained to preserve their beauty, retain the value of your property, and avoid unexpected health or growth issues. While trees can be an asset to your home, over time, they can grow to become a nuisance. An experienced Finest Tree Service can help with your tree problems. Allow a Finest Tree Service to prune or trim your trees. In some cases, you might need them to remove the tree or remove a stump.
Your home is sure to benefit from having trees on the lot. When your trees are not properly maintained, they become a liability. They might weaken and fall; branches low on the trunk, or dead branches, pose a risk of injury to people and property.
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Determining Whether Your Trees Need a Finest Tree Service
Trimming trees and shrubs helps ensure safety, promote plant health, and maintain beauty.
But, improper pruning can weaken the branch structure, cause cuts to improperly heal, and encourage the growth of suckers that can divert energy from those areas of the tree that need it the most.
Properly pruning trees and shrubs requires an understanding of tree species, knowledge of best practices for pruning in Tucson, AZ, and a commitment to ongoing education. The arborists at Finest Tree Service are Tucson, AZ's experts in tree care; and we understand the important role your trees play in your home’s landscape. We have the skill and equipment to prune your trees and shrubs according to the very latest guidelines for appearance, health and safety.
Read more about Determining Whether Your Trees Need a Finest Tree Service
Overgrown Trees Pose an Extreme Hazard Around Utility Lines
Fallen or wayward branches can cause fires, electrical spikes, surges, and even outages.
Falling trees or branches can down utility lines, and if the line isn't severed, it may still conduct electricity. People or pets that approach the downed wire are at risk of severe injury and death.
If you've noticed one or more of your trees dangerously close to a power line, you should call the professionals at Finest Tree Service to remedy this situation immediately. They can reduce or eliminate the risk of rotten, overgrown, and wayward branches striking the power lines.
Read more about Overgrown Trees Pose an Extreme Hazard Around Utility Lines
Removing Unsightly Stumps and Dead Trees
Having ugly stumps and other detractors to your home's aesthetic value can also affect property values.
If people aren't watching where they're going, they might trip and injure themselves on the stump in your yard. Then you could be faced with a lawsuit! Is that something you want? You'll be astounded by the improved appearance of your lawn after a Finest Tree Service removes the stump.
No one will be able to tell there ever was a stump in your yard! Your lawn will appear larger and more orderly than before, and the best part is that no one will be able to tell there was ever a stump in your yard to begin with.
Read more about Removing Unsightly Stumps and Dead Trees
Monsoon Tree Preparation
Don't let bad weather sneak up on you. The monsoon season can start as early as mid-June.
Make sure that your trees are prepared for the monsoon season to minimize damage to your trees and property. Finest Tree Service is scheduling appointments for the necessary tree removal and tree trimming services now. The rain, strong winds, lightning, dust storms, and “downbursts” or "microbursts" that come with the monsoons can cause major damage to your trees.
A “down burst” is a strong “vortex ring” of a vertically rotating circle of air. At the base of a downburst are heavy outward bursts of wind near the earth’s surface. It is the wind of the Monsoon that causes the most damage to trees and, as a result, property. The heavy rains of the Monsoon make trees especially susceptible to downing as the soil is over-saturated. When the high winds come, even the healthiest tree can easily be uprooted. Finest Tree Service has the equipment and expertise to make sure that your trees are in the proper condition to avoid damage to the tree itself and the property around it.
Read more about Monsoon Tree Preparation
More Reasons to Call a Finest Tree Service
Problems will inevitably crop up as your trees mature.
As you watch your trees grow over the years, you might realize they're starting to encroach on dangerous territory: utility lines, your roof, and your neighbor's gutters. Dead limbs, rotting branches, foliage too dense for sunlight to penetrate, and pest infestation are all common problems with mature and aging trees.
A Finest Tree Service offers many services to help your trees. They'll dispose of dead and damaged wood, increase a tree's aesthetic appeal by trimming and raising the canopy, and they can even squeeze into small areas to fell nuisance trees.
Read more about Reasons to Call a Finest Tree Service