Tips To Protect Your Plants From Frost Damage

We all want that cooler weather to come to save us from those sweltering hot days, but it seems those colder days and nights come so quickly. Plants that are young, actively growing or flowering are the most susceptible. Although plants will harden off as the weather cools, slowing both their growth and blooms, it’s important to protect your plants from frost. The faster the temperature drops, and the longer your plants are exposed, the more at risk they are from suffering frost damage. Here are a few tips to protect your plants. Keep your soil appropriately moist as dehydrated plants can quickly suffer frost damage. Cover your plants at night by draping them with plastic and make sure it touches the ground so they benefit from warmth from the soil, and uncover during the day. Move potted plants to a covered porch or awning. If you have younger trees, loosely wrap them from the lowest foliage to the ground, you can keep them wrapped through the winter. Incandescent lights below your trees will help as they radiate heat upwards into the canopy. I hope these tips are helpful.